Our Full “Dunlap” Detail is our signature ultimate service. Combining our premium exterior and interior package together, we bring your car back to dealership condition. With this full vehicle deep clean, no detail is missed, leaving your car spotless.
We start by deep cleaning the rims and tires. Then moving to the body, detail the trunk and door jambs, apply pre-wash, car shampoo, and performing a contact wash. Applying our bug and water spot removal service, and then applying our 3-4 month paint protection wax. Finishing by cleaning the windows and mirrors, and lastly the tire shine.
We then move to the interior where we wipe down all hard surfaces, seats, heat extract the carpets and renew your rubber floor mats if you have any. Removing any heavy stains in the process. We then clean in the interior windows, mirrors, and screens and lastly giving your vehicle a fresh scent. If you have pet hair, it will be removed, (MANDATORY $25 up-charge) and we offer a $25 optional leather conditioning service if you have leather in your vehicle.
See full list of what this service provides below.
Hydrophobic Ceramic Sealant (3-4 months protection)
Bug and water spot removal
Tire and rim detail + Tire Shine
Pre-Wash and Shampoo Contact Wash
Window, mirror, and screen clean
Door and trunk jamb detail
Vacuum and heat extraction of carpets
Heavy stain removal
Dense dirt removal and wipe down of seats + hard surfaces
Car scent service
Pet hair removal (If applicable, MANDATORY $25 up-charge)
Leather condition (If applicable, OPTIONAL $25 up-charge)